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Stan Rushworth

I’m honoured to have Stan Rushworth (citizen of Chiricahua Apache Nation) write this feedback for my novel:

“This beautiful and poetic story is a quick wind moving through the imagination. It arises out of the memory and dream of the obligations to life in right relationship. Its insights both color and cut through the layers of forgetting brought upon this continent, the forgetting brought by control of women, water, land and sky, all the doorways to life. Its clear and vivid images of people moving in the surrounding world of Nature reveal the layers of that obsession, and at the same time they lead the way to the necessity of remembering a better, truer way to be. The brilliant young mother at the heart of the story, the storyteller herself, gives testimony to the insistence and courage it takes to find and live a life of dignity, trust, and respect. In this, she keeps the dream alive of what it means to be truly human, which is to love.”

Stan Rushworth is the author of three books: Diaspora’s Children (2020); Going to Water (2013); and Sam Woods (1993). His fourth book, an anthology of Indigenous voices, is in the making. For more information about Stan, check out his Vimeo interview here:
